Dr. Samuel Clanton: What Is A Brain Injury?
Dr. Samuel Clanton: The Ins and Outs of Brain Injury
In health and wellness, the term ‘brain injury’ often triggers an uneasy feeling, owing to its potential to significantly alter lives. Brain injuries can range from minor to severe at any time. For Dr. Samuel Clanton, understanding the nature of these injuries can empower society to handle such scenarios better.
Understanding Brain Injury
At its core, a brain injury signifies any damage inflicted on the brain, disrupting its regular function. It’s a broad term encompassing a variety of conditions, from relatively mild concussions and post-concussion syndrome to the more severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) and cerebral contusions. Resulting from diverse causes, these injuries can lead to temporary or permanent cognitive, physical, and psychological changes.
Two Major Categories of Brain Injury
Brain injuries generally fall into two primary categories: traumatic and non-traumatic. Traumatic brain injuries occur due to an external force, such as a blow or jolt to the head, and are usually associated with accidents, falls, sports injuries, or violence.
Conversely, non-traumatic brain injuries are not caused by external forces, and instead can result from internal conditions. Strokes, brain tumors, exposure to toxic substances, lack of oxygen (hypoxia), and Dr. Samuel Clanton certain infectious diseases are all potential culprits for non-traumatic brain injuries. These injuries can be just as serious, but are often less immediately recognizable due to their subtler onset.
Potential Consequences of Brain Injury
After a brain injury, the specific area of the brain that was injured often determines the type of deficits experienced. Common physical symptoms can include dizziness, headaches, difficulty with balance and coordination, and even seizures. Cognitive changes, such as memory loss, decreased concentration, and slowed information-processing are also typical.
Furthermore, the psychological and emotional wellness of an individual may not be spared, with brain injury patients often experiencing depression, anxiety, mood swings, and personality changes. This complex array of symptoms demands comprehensive treatment and management strategies, which may Dr. Samuel Clanton need to be tailored depending on the severity of the injury, the individual’s health status, and specific symptoms presented.